Free Your Mind Packages.

How many sessions do I need?
 It is possible to get incredible results with only a single session, however to achieve real, life changing results it may  be necessary to have multiple sessions.
It has taken us a long time to get where we are and   sometimes it takes a few sessions to get to where we would like  to be.
Packages offer a wonderful opportunity for Partners to commit to, look forward to and experience layered growth over the course of the package.


It is better to do a few deep Balances of quality in a session than to whip through doing lots of Balances. As the saying goes, “Quality is better than quantity”.
The more time we take to create quality changes the more effective they are. Many people start by scheduling 3 sessions about a week apart.
For people wanting to take advantage of packages please let me know and we will discuss them at the end of the first session. 
All packages booked have the cost of the first session deducted from the total package price.
All sessions are 90 minutes. 
PSYCH-K® Introductory single session.
A chance to change a limiting belief or Transform the Perception of a Stressful Situation.
1 session 135 USD.
Change Direction Package.
3 sessions. 125 USD per session. 375 USD total.
Life Altering Package. 
5 sessions. 115 USD per session. 575 USD total.
Free Your Mind package. 
10 sessions. 100 USD per session. 1000 USD total.


Free Your Mind Packages.

How many sessions do I need?
 It is possible to get incredible results with only a single session, however to achieve real, life changing results it may  be necessary to have multiple sessions.
It has taken us a long time to get where we are and   sometimes it takes a few sessions to get to where we would like  to be.
Packages offer a wonderful opportunity for Partners to commit to, look forward to and experience layered growth over the course of the package.


It is better to do a few deep Balances of quality in a session than to whip through doing lots of Balances. As the saying goes, “Quality is better than quantity”.
The more time we take to create quality changes the more effective they are. Many people start by scheduling 3 sessions about a week apart.
For people wanting to take advantage of packages please let me know and we will discuss them at the end of the first session. 
All packages booked have the cost of the first session deducted from the total package price.
All sessions are 90 minutes. 
PSYCH-K® Introductory single session.
A chance to change a limiting belief or Transform the Perception of a Stressful Situation.
1 session 135 USD.
Change Direction Package.
3 sessions. 125 USD per session. 375 USD total.
Life Altering Package. 
5 sessions. 115 USD per session. 575 USD total.
Free Your Mind package. 
10 sessions. 100 USD per session. 1000 USD total.


PSYCH-K® sessions are available online.




The PSYCH-K® process is strictly limited to the modification of beliefs. The PSYCH-K® process is not designed to diagnose medical problems, nor is it a replacement for medical attention or professional mental health care.